Their parents could not feed them, so led them into the forest to die
There lived an evil witch in the middle of the woods
who just so happened to like the taste of children
She spied Hansel and Gretel wandering lost through the forest
She thought how yummy they'd taste, and decided to lure them to her
knowing that no child can resist candy
Little Gretel saw the witch with the candy...
Oh, what should they do??? Gretel could almost taste the candy
Gretel drew nearer to the witch, unable to stop herself
"NO!" Hansel barked out
"Don't take the candy from her!"
"There's a much easier way!"
"Today is Halloween...we can go Trick or Treating! You go around knocking on doors, and people you've never met before will give you tons of candy! It's quite the racket!"
So they both set out to go Trick or Treating
And they got far too much candy, and lived happily ever after except for the stomach ache from too much sugar! BURRRRRRRRRRRRRP!!!
Hee hee hee - TOO cute!