Friday, October 8, 2010

Peter and the Wolf, Fractured Fairy Tail #9

Once upon a time there lived a young boy named Peter, 

who lived deep in the forest with his grandfather. 

Peter's grandfather always told him to never go into the woods alone because many vicious creatures lived there. 

"Always leave this gate closed," Grandfather explained, "because this fenced-in clearing is the only place that is safe." 

Peter lived a lonely life stuck in this small gated community, with his only companions being a tiny calico kitten named Ivan, 

and a young chicken named Sonia. 

One day, Peter's grandfather lectured him, 

"Be VERY careful about keeping the gate closed. There have been recent sightings of a ferocious wolf prowling the woods in search of an easy meal." 

Peter, being young and foolish, decided that no animal was a match for him and his trusty rifle. 

While his grandfather was away in town, Peter loaded his gun, 

and opened the gate. 

He hurried off in search of this wolf, forgetting to close the gate behind him. 

As Peter was off on the hunt, the wolf 

drawn by the smell of chicken, crept silently to the open gate. 

and stealthily enter the compound 

The wolf was surprised to come face-to-face with a snarling, miniature tiger! 

This tiger, also known as Ivan the kitten, swatted the wolf's nose 

and then scrambled up a tree, 

taunting the wolf who was yowling in pain over his bloodied snout. 

The wolf, needing to find prey who didn't fight back, tracked the chicken scent to the barnyard. 

There, the sweet and tender Sonia was pecking the ground, 

searching for grubs. 

Sonia, hearing a rumbling growl behind her, 

looked up in horror 

at the wolf's gaping, slavering maw. 

Sonia thought her best defense against the wolf was to play dead, 

but of course, chickens have pea-sized brains with very
little reasoning skills, so this plan of action was quite ill-founded.
The wolf snatched the chicken up in saliva-dripping canines, 

while Sonia began an earsplitting squawking . 

Peter, not having found the wolf, circled back to where he lived. 

He heard this fearsome noise and dashed through the gate with his rifle cocked and loaded. 

BANG! A shot rang out, 

and the wolf went spinning through the air 

and dropped limply to the ground. 

Peter's grandfather, returning from town, gasped in terror as the report of the gun echoed into the distance and sprinted to find Peter.
Fortunately, he discovered that Peter was safe, and his grandfather decided to have a feast to celebrate this happy ending.
Grandfather began the meal with a blessing, 

"We are extremely thankful for our good fortune and health." 

"Let us eat this meal in appreciation of what we have." 

Peter glanced over at the wolf, who's head was bowed in prayer.

He was so happy, he had always wanted a puppy! 

And how had this come about, you may ask?
Peter, never having fired a gun before, was knocked on his butt by the rifle's kick, 

and the shot missed the wolf.
The wolf had only fainted dead away, having always been extremely afraid of loud noises. 

Before the wolf came to, Peter had slipped a lead around his neck and now had a real pet. 

The wolf, whom they named Ralph, decided it was much easier living on an enclosed farm and getting fed kibble than trying to capture nasty vermin that fought back! 

And what of Sonia, the chicken???
Why she was there at the dinner table too. 

Right in the middle of the table on the platter, in fact! 

Well, what do you think they'd been raising a chicken for anyway?
Do you seriously think chickens make good pets? 

The END!


  1. This is an awesome story and I love the actors. I might add that is one hot grandfather...

  2. Yeah baby! But then grandfathers in general are starting to look hotter to us ALL the time now :)
